Hey there, online world.

I’m Amber. I’m a nonviolent media activist, educator, and a lover of the arts. I’m the Executive Director for WantToKnow.info and PEERS, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a dual focus of educating people on deep political corruption and inspiring solutions to the world's most pressing problems.

We live in a time when trust in journalism is low, and the mainstream media rarely tells us the full story. The culture and information wars have generated ferocious argument, yet very little clarity about how we can work together to solve society’s most challenging and controversial problems.

I carry a deep passion to bring social-emotional intelligence into the world of media activism and politics.  I strive to convene trustworthy spaces for those who have lost trust in our media systems. I pledge my allegiance to the greater good of all, rather than to any political party or cultural identity.

Social polarization and civil unrest is a sign that big changes are coming. And I believe we can collectively use this time wisely to create the world we want to live in.

"If we carry intergenerational trauma, then we also carry intergenerational wisdom. It’s in our genes and our DNA."

— Kazu Haga

Recent Work

  • Discussing the news and current events with nuance, uncensored investigation, and compassion for all sides. And no matter the topic, I always end our news briefs on an inspiring, constructive note. I make these videos for everyone, no matter where they stand on the political-cultural spectrum.

    Explore my Mindful News Briefs.

  • Original investigations on critical societal issues.

    Click here to explore my writing on Substack.